The WWDACT E-Bulletin, Issue 23/19 is out now. View this e-Bulletin in your browser here. Fill out the form here to subscribe.
Message from the Chair
Dear Members and Colleagues,
WWDACT is finishing our third year as an independent organisation with a great deal of pride, and just a little bit of exhaustion. At the Chief Minister’s Inclusion Awards held on 5 December, we were proud to be awarded a commendation for our work in Human Rights. This work will continue in 2020.
Since 2016 we have expanded from 1 part-time CEO to 6 part-time staff, plus ad hoc project officers managing a number of short- and longer-term projects. We have been pleased to be awarded our first NDIS Information, Linkages & Capacity Building project. Through this we are strengthening the organisations and reaching out to our constituents. We have been conducting a series of peer-led workshops in collaboration with the ADACAS Supported Decision Making team.
We will be conducting our second Pitch Your Passion Project in 2020, and Project Officer Kat will be looking for young leaders who want to hone their leadership skills in their individual fields of endeavor and interest. Their presentation night promises to be one that showcases future change-makers. Watch for further notice on Facebook and Twitter and in the Bulletin.
We are looking forward to some rest time, with family and friends over the festive season.
However, this time of year is not peaceful for many. Unfortunately, reported incidences of domestic and family violence increase over this season. Women with disabilities are not exempt from this.
Remember that 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732) has counsellors available 24/7. They have undertaken disability awareness training, and you can choose live chat, or phone, with referrals to other places possible.
For those who feel isolated, and who have limited options for getting out and about, the festive season can just accentuate our loneliness. LIFELINE is also available 24/7 on 131114. They have TTY (133677), Speak & Listen (1300 555 727) and use the National Relay Service too. Call ‘000’ if your life is in danger.
This is our last bulletin for the year. We have had pleasure in bringing you 24 fortnightly bulletins of local, national and international feminist and disability news during 2019. We are now going to take a rest until February 2020. We thank Judy Horacek for our parting message and we will be back with renewed vigour after the break.
The Board and staff join me in wishing you all the best for the coming festive season.
Sue Salthouse