Submission to the Legislative Assembly Inquiry into Unpaid Work

May 31, 2024

Women with Disabilities ACT has made a submission to the Legislative Assembly Inquiry into Unpaid Work. Through this submission we drew attention to the uneven burden of unpaid work done by people with disabilities, and specifically by women* with disabilities. You can read the submission below.

Joint Submission to the NDIS Bill 2024

May 17, 2024

Women with Disabilities ACT, Women with Disabilities Australia, and Women with Disabilities Victoria have co-authored a submission to the federal Community Affairs Legislation Committee on the new proposed NDIS legislation. This submission highlights our concerns about the bill and makes detailed recommendations for its improvement. On a broad level, we are concerned about the overwhelming gender inequality

Submission to the ACT Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Strategy

April 24, 2024

Women with Disabilities ACT has joined forces with a number of other organisations in the women’s* sector making a substantial submission to the draft ACT Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Strategy. We called on the ACT Government to reopen a more meaningful and targeted engagement process with victim survivors, to commit to more ambitious and

Submission to the Legislative Assembly Inquiry into Raising Children in the ACT

April 24, 2024

Women with Disabilities ACT has made a submission to the Inquiry into Raising Children in the ACT. Parents with disabilities in the ACT (in particular women*) have unique experiences, barriers andchallenges and are too often left out of policies and programs. Our submission highlights these unique experiences, and points to policy considerations and actions to

2024-2025 Budget Submission: Sexual and Reproductive Health

April 8, 2024

Today Women with Disabilities ACT made a submission to the ACT Budget Consultation regarding issues specific to women, girls, non-binary and gender diverse people with disabilities. This submission builds on our previous submission from December last year made jointly with other organisations – ACT Down Syndrome and Intellectual Disability, and Advocacy for Inclusion. You can

Shared statement: Foundational supports and the NDIS

March 27, 2024

Women with Disabilities ACT along with other Disabled People’s Organisations have released a shared statement setting out our expectations in the scope, design and implementation of the planned new systems of foundational supports. The NDIS Review Report (released in December 2023) recommended that the National Cabinet should agree to jointly design, fund and commission foundational

Media Release: ACT Budget- disability groups call for whole of Government disability response and boost to struggling disability advocacy services

March 13, 2024

Women with Disabilities ACT, along with other disability groups, have issued a statement calling for a whole of Government investment in disability as we move into the 2024 budget and election period. We have highlighted the need for a package to prevent violence against women and children, the expansion of accessible crisis services, and work

Submission to the Legislative Assembly Inquiry into Loneliness and Social Isolation

February 28, 2024

Women with Disabilities ACT has made a submission to the Legislative Assembly Inquiry into Loneliness and Social Isolation. This submission was informed by conversations with our Policy Advisory Committee (PAC). You can read the submission below.

2024-2025 ACT Budget Submission: Joint Submission

December 18, 2023

Women with Disabilities ACT, Advocacy for Inclusion and ACT Down Syndrome and Intellectual Disability have issued a joint submission with our shared priorities and expectations for the coming ACT Budget. Our priority areas for this year are: We also set out funding requests for the budget to ensure that Disabled People’s Organisations can give sustainable

Joint Media Statement: Priorities for the response to the Disability Royal Commission

December 18, 2023

At the end of September 2023 the Final Report of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability was released. Women with Disabilities ACT has issued a media statement along with other Disabled People’s Organisations in the ACT to bring key priorities to the attention of the ACT government. You