MEDIA RELEASE: Disability groups flag health priorities ahead of ACT election forum

September 25, 2024

A united front of ACT disability groups is flagging access to health care as a key priority for the 1 in 5 Canberra voters with a disability a day out from an ACT Disability Town Hall event kicking off tomorrow from 12 noon. ACT Down Syndrome and Intellectual Disability, Women with Disabilities ACT, Mental Health

Survey: Shaping Foundational Supports – Your Voice Matters

September 10, 2024

The Australian Government is exploring a new system of disability supports called “Foundational Supports”. These supports will be available outside the NDIS, and they aim to fill the gaps in existing services for people who may not be eligible for the NDIS. Why Foundational Supports Matter Foundational supports are vital because they ensure that everyone

Join us for our election event!

September 10, 2024

Disability is shaping up as a major issue in the approaching ACT Election. In the lead up to the election Women with Disabilities ACT, in partnership with Advocacy for Inclusion, ACT Down Syndrome and Intellectual Disability, and the Mental Health Community Coalition ACT, is offering a town hall style event with a difference. Local candidates

#WhatWomensServicesNeed: 2024 ACT Election Platform

September 3, 2024

Women with Disabilities ACT has come together with Women’s Health Matters and other ACT women’s services to show our joint election priorities. In a city like Canberra, everyone should be safe from violence, have access to health services, and supportive and equitable jobs and communities. While there have been steps in the right direction, slow

Joint submission: Menstrual products as NDIS supports

August 28, 2024

Like many people with disabilities and organisations, WWDACT has been alarmed at the proposed draft list of supports released prior to the passing of the National Disability Insurance SchemeAmendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024. The draft list of supports represents a huge change to how the NDIS operates. It attempts

Joint Statement: On the rights of people with disability in Gaza

August 16, 2024

Women with Disabilities ACT has signed a joint statement with Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA) and the National Ethnic Disability Alliance (NEDA). We are deeply concerned about the events we are witnessing in Gaza and other conflict-affected areas across the world.  We are also concerned about the experiences of people with disabilities in Gaza, who are disproportionately impacted by the sustained and escalating violence, attacks and hostilities.  The United

Joint statement on Government’s response to the Disability Royal Commission

August 5, 2024

Women With Disabilities Australia, Women With Disabilities ACT and Women With Disabilities Victoria are deeply disappointed by the Government’s response to the Disability Royal Commission, released this week. We are concerned that only 13 recommendations of 222 have been fully accepted, with many critical recommendations yet to be resolved across different levels of government. The

Shared Statement following the release of the Government’s response to the Disability Royal Commission

August 1, 2024

Issued by Women with Disabilities ACT, Advocacy for Inclusion, ACT Down Syndrome and Intellectual Disability, and Mental Health Community Coalition ACT Yesterday the Federal and ACT Governments released their long-awaited responses to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.   The Commission’s findings highlighted the extensive violence, abuse, neglect,

Shared Election Priorities

June 20, 2024

The ACT Election is scheduled for 19 October 2024 and Disabled Peoples and Representative Organisations offer these priorities for voters and candidates in the lead up to the poll.  We are non-partisan organisations which represent people with a range of disabilities.  Our work and priorities are informed by the UN Convention on the Rights of

Media Release: Disability IS an election issue – groups launch campaign calling for whole of government push

June 20, 2024

On the eve of next Tuesday’s ACT Budget, ACT disability organisations are asking the Government along with candidates in the coming ACT election to focus on key priorities across health, housing, education, gendered violence, families and planning as well as calling for a boost for struggling disability advocacy. You can read the full media release