The WWDACT E-Bulletin, Issue 11/18 is out now. View this e-Bulletin in your browser here. Fill out the form here to subscribe.

Message from the Chair

Dear Members and Colleagues
In early June, I presented the Lifeline 2-day DV-alert training course on Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) Disability Stream to workers from the Hobart Life Without Barriers (LWB) office. All the workshop participants work with LWB clientele who are Participants in the NDIS. The support workers were concerned about the mental health of both the male and female people they support, and had a high degree of awareness that there violence and abuse could be having an effect on the general wellbeing of individuals today. The course focusses on the nature of violence experienced by many people with disabilities compared to their non-disabled counterparts, and the higher prevalence of violence in the sector. Lifeline has a number of DV-alert courses, which focus on violence against women. The Disability Stream has to also look at the high incidence of violence against men with disabilities. The support workers wanted skills to recognise the signs of past or present violence in the lives of the people with whom they work. In the wider non-disabled community it is acknowledged that men also experience high levels of violence, but only a small proportion is experienced in a domestic setting.
On a positive note, NAIDOC week starts on 8 July and ends on 15 July. I am going to try to get to at least one event. The official flag raising ceremony will be on Monday 9 July at the Legislative Assembly starting at 11am in the Reception Room.
Sue Salthouse